Posted on 5/30/2023

Maintaining your vehicle's performance and longevity requires regular attention to various components and systems. When it comes to wheel alignment, many car owners wonder whether it falls under the category of maintenance or repair. The truth is wheel alignment encompasses both aspects, serving as a crucial maintenance task and addressing potential issues that may require repair. The team at Rick's Automotive Service is here to shed light on its significance and help you understand why you should prioritize this part of car care. Proper wheel alignment refers to the precise positioning of your vehicle's wheels relative to each other and the road surface. Over time, various factors can cause your wheels to fall out of alignment, including regular wear and tear, potholes, curbs, and even minor collisions. When your wheels are misaligned, it can lead to a host of difficulties that affect your vehicle's performance, safety, and overall driving experience. Now, let's ... read more